Bridgework: Types of Dental Bridge
And Its Uses

by Dr. Kavendra Naidoo
BDS, MBCHB, Dental Surgeon

A porcelain dental bridge to be placed on top of teeth.

What Are Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges, at Auckland Family Dental, are meticulously crafted prosthetics designed to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. These custom-made appliances consist of pontics, or artificial teeth, anchored securely by crowns on adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.

Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional Bridges

Ideal for replacing a single missing tooth or multiple teeth in a row, supported by crowns on adjacent teeth.

Cantilever Bridges

Suited for cases where adjacent teeth are on only one side of the gap.

Maryland Bridges

A conservative option, bonded to adjacent teeth with metal or porcelain wings.

Implant-Supported Bridges

Utilizing dental implants for enhanced stability, ideal for multiple missing teeth.

Indications for Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are recommended for individuals experiencing:

Missing Teeth: Bridges effectively replace one or more missing teeth.

Improved Aesthetics: Enhance your smile and facial aesthetics with natural-looking prosthetics.

Chewing Difficulties: Restore proper biting and chewing function for improved oral health.

Speech Impediments: Address speech issues caused by missing teeth.

The Dental Bridge Process at Auckland Family Dental

Initial Consultation

Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation at Auckland Family Dental. Our expert team assesses your oral health, discusses your goals, and tailors a personalized treatment plan.

Tooth Preparation

For traditional and cantilever bridges, minimal preparation of adjacent teeth is undertaken to accommodate crowns. Impressions are then taken for precise bridge fabrication.

Bridge Fabrication

Our skilled technicians employ advanced materials to craft your custom bridge, ensuring optimal fit, comfort, and a natural appearance.

Temporary Bridge Placement

While awaiting your permanent bridge, a temporary one is expertly placed to protect exposed teeth and maintain functionality.

Final Placement

Upon completion, your permanent bridge is meticulously placed and adjusted to guarantee a perfect fit, restoring your natural smile.

Alternative Options

While dental bridges are a highly effective solution, alternative options at Auckland Family Dental include:

Dental Implants: Ideal for individual tooth replacement, providing a standalone solution without impacting adjacent teeth.

Dentures: For those requiring a removable option, dentures offer flexibility and ease of maintenance.

At Auckland Family Dental, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional dental solutions. Our focus on defining, indicating, and detailing the process of dental bridges, along with alternative options, ensures that you make informed decisions for your oral health. Contact us today to embark on the path to a confident, complete smile.

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